Urban Legends Comicshop is your one stop shop for comics, games and pop culture merchandise.
Don’t miss an issue! Enroll in our Sub-Service and all your comics will get pulled automatically for you each week. Download the enrollment form below and either email it to us at urbanlegendsstaff@gmail.com or drop it by the store.
If we carry a title in our stores, we can start your standing order with the next issue to arrive.
If we do not carry a title you order, we’ll begin ordering it specifically for you. In such cases the first issue in your standing order should arrive in about six to eight weeks, but could take longer depending on the publisher’s release schedule.
When you ask that a title be discontinued, it will be dropped from your list with the next issue if it is a title we regularly carry in our stores.
If the title is one that Urban Legends does not carry, no further issues will be ordered. We request that you purchase any remaining issues that have been ordered for your subscription.
If you wish to receive a title’s special issues or annuals, please while “yes” in the appropriate column below.
All other policies [including restrictions to minors] are the same as standard Subscription Service policies.
Must pick up Subscription Service at least once a month.
Already enrolled in sub-service? Download the change form below and either email it to us at urbanlegendsstaff@gmail.com or drop it by the store.
Starts and stops for titles that we carry in our stores begin with the next issue released.
Starts for titles we don’t carry begin with the next order placed and usually don’t begin arriving for six to eight weeks.
Stops for titles we don’t carry occur ONLY after you have received those copies that were ordered for you prior to the stop order.